Last week, the entire You Belong! network (Stúdió, Stúdió+) has finally opened its doors and we are currently running on 100%. This school year You Belong! again is facing structural adjustments, according the needs and opportunities of its pupils. We have been running two centres for the last 2 weeks.
The Stúdió, which has been our main project is still operating as an extracurricular centre, with its devoted 'patrónus'-es and about 30 active members. A new structure was introduced, where all pupils are put in a 1-2-3-4 'Day's Chick' system, based on their requirements. After an awesome team building week, the little Chicks had started the constructive work, where apart from the extracurricular English, Maths, Science, History and Grammar tuition, the creation-oriented projects and the sports classes have been highlighted.
The Sports-member Chicks of YB, the You Belong Crosstown Angels baseball team is eagerly training on a weekly basis reaching further and further. Two of our team members already play in the National Team. Furthermore, the active Chicks have the possibility to take part in a session with dogs as well as, horse-riding and ball-game activities. The creation-oriented sessions have been again planned based on the needs of our pupils, therefore we will have dancing, sewing, drawing, literary café piano and guitar sessions too.
The Stúdió+ Budapest currently entails 12 pupils, of which 9 are also residents of the Stúdió+ dormitory. The Stúdió+ is continuing to be a centre, which provides such extended services to those kids, who have managed to study further in Budapest, that ensure to the the greatest extent their high-school careers. Its most important element is the Stúdió+ apartment that is a family-like, safe environment, where our pupils can enjoy an overall dormitory-like service. The high professional level of the Stúdió+ is ensured by our newest patrónuses, Anna, Isti, Berta and Zoli, who support their Stúdió-family in all walks of life. Their tasks, similarly to their Ózd colleagues, include the constant following of the school-performance of their pupils, the constant contact with the schools and the families, the professional solution management of the upcoming needs and issues. In the Stúdió+, all have the possibility to be part of the safe, community experience that supports our pupils through the initial difficulties of the changes in their environments and the school-shifts. Three of our pupils, successfully overcoming these obstacles already live in different public dormitory facilities in Budapest, the Stúdió+ naturally always welcomes them under all circumstances.
We are looking forward to an exciting year and can not wait! Follow us for more!