Kriszta Bódis's documentary titled Isten Adóssága (God's Debt) was played in the Három Holló Café. After the film, we opened the circle for the audience too for a round table discussion.

Based on the film, we discussed deep poverty and the past and current state of Roma settlements with the participants.

Our pupils of the You Belong! Studio Plus saw this documentary for the first time and some of the people who appeared in the film that time, when they were children were sitting among the audience. We saw shocking series of pictures about the other face of poverty. Is there a way out? This question is made many times. Kriszta Bódis gives her answer by founding the You Belong! - You Belong! Foundation and she/we have been working for four years continuously to make a way out, for this to be one of the answers, the You Belong! System. We build it from the bottom up, systematically, because poverty is not a right, but education and a life worthy of a human are. There is no way to leave without words after seeing this.

Link to the film: